Monday, June 7, 2010

Poetry Slam!

Gracie had a poetry slam today that her school put on (Arts Based Elem.) at Krankie's coffee shop! I really have enjoyed her school this year. They do a LOT of exciting things as they learn to keep the kids having fun and enjoying school. Gracie's last school was very good also, but she was really bored. They never seemed to do anything fun (except go outside to play). At ABES, they are always doing fun things whether it's erupting volcanoes, learning to play guitar, violin, and piano, growing butterflies, and tadpoles, dance classes, planting and learning about gardens, etc. It's amazing the things that they do sometimes, and it really is important to me that she is enjoying it in every way. So...they had a poetry slam today..haha. There was about 60 kids that got up (individually) in front of all of the parents, teachers and patrons at the coffee shop and read their poems. They were each judged on performance, etc. Gracie got 4TH PLACE out of all 60 kids. Of course, only 3rd, 2nd, and 1st place were recognized but I was so proud of her. She got up on stage and read her poem so nicely. Her class were supposed to write a poem about untrue things, basically. I'm sure her teachers had a better explanation than that..but...well...I can't really say it any better than "lies". They were supposed to tell lies..haha. So, Gracie's went like this...
(sorry I couldn't figure out how to rotate it) :(

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