Halloween is also Paul's Birthday! How awesome is that?! We have had a Halloween party every year for 6 years now (with the exception of the year Jai was born)...and we had to put it off this year because of some family health issues and such. It was sad to cancel it. I was looking forward to sharing pictures of our party with everyone, so they can see what we do each year. I told Gracie & Jai that we would have a huge halloween blow out party next year, since we missed this one. Gracie always looks forward to decorating our yard, porch, etc with her daddy...but we never have ANY trick or treaters...and since we had no party, we didn't decorate outside. :(
We decided to have a tiny little dinner for Paul at my mom's house. Paul's mom has had some health issues lately, and has been pretty much stuck in her home. She is getting back on track I believe. (We are keeping our fingers crossed!) She currently has a fractured ankle from falling, and unfortunately couldn't make it to celebrate. Hopefully she will be as good as new soon, and we will be able to see her more. :)
I had to throw a cake together and I had no idea how to decorate it. I stumbled upon a Jack Skellington cake online, and attempted that. I think it turned out pretty well...and Paul seemed to like it a lot...whew!

Our house is the best for decorating for Halloween! It's kind of dark and gloomy inside at night with our dark walls, etc. I tried my best to throw some of our decorations in my mom's dining room to get everyone in more of the Halloween Spirit. It was cute...but much to bright! Haha...we made it work though!

My nephew Liam was "Billy the Exterminator"....haha! Love it!

The cake!
Some decorations that my husband threw together...so cute!

My boys! <3

All of the kiddos...
Mary Catherine in her costume...I can't seem to think of a proper name for it..haha. PJ girl?

Time for the pinata!

My mother, hiding from the camera, as always!!! Ok guys, soon you'll see her complaining that I never put any pictures up of her...this is why!!! ...and you're all my witnesses! ;-)

Mary Catherine hit it so hard...
...that she fell down
Jai gave it his best...

Liam was upset at his sister and took out some frustration on the pinata...haha...and if I was Uncle Paul I would've been scared! (although we were all cracking up watching him, I don't think he cracked a smile the entire time..haha)
on to trick or treat for a little while...

Jai was Iron Man this time around.

The people at this house all got up and danced for the kids while they got their candy. I thought it was fun...Paul thought it was super awkward! haha...
The most hauntingly beautiful house...camera didn't pick it up. Ps. Thanks Ashley for the ISO tips..I'll try that next time. :)

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