I received an email from Gracie's teacher on Thursday afternoon that she had to come to school the following day dressed as an Egyptian. Ugh! I had plans for a coupon class that night...and for doing some work around the house. Well, those things didn't happen. :( We ended up going to the store to try to find some things to make her look as much like an Egyptian as possible.
She wanted to be the Egyptian goddess Bast, which is the protector of women, children and cats. I googled her picture...and she actually looked like a cat.
This was a picture that I found online as someone dressed up as her...
So we did our best! Gracie picked out the ornamental pieces for her costume and we had the skirt. I dressed up her face with some eye liner because we couldn't find any face paint..haha. I tried my best to make her the "death mask"...but I didn't have enough materials to make the side pieces.
We were both happy with it...but hopefully next time I will have a bit more notice! :0)
I tried my best with the "death mask" headdress. I didn't have enough materials to do the sides...and Gracie really wanted a snake coming out of the top (sorry Gracie). She was quite embarrassed to wear the death mask to school...but ended up wearing it all day once she saw the other kiddos dressed up just as extravagant.

I was terrible at the whiskers! Haha...

It was a fun day for her though! Egypt is her absolute FAVORITE! She is so happy that they are studying it. Maybe one day we will be rich and able to take her there. She is crazy about pyramids, egyptians, and all that jazz. :-)
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