Take me out to the ball game...
Today was Gracie's 1st softball game. She had such a great time, and we were SO proud of her. She played soccer when she was about 4 years old...and she really just ran around in circles. She tried to stay as far away from the action as possible, so we were a little worried with her beginning a new sport. Boy did she prove us wrong. She was up to bat 4 times during the game, and hit the ball the FIRST pitch every time!!! I could not have been more proud of her. Sorry for softball picture overload, but this was her 1st game so I went a little crazy. This isnt even half of the pictures that I took. I also loaded them in backwards...so the before game pictures are at the end of post. Oops. (Sorry Lauren..I know you taught me better..haha) Enjoy! :)
This is a picture of a baby robin that has hatched on top of our wind chime on the front porch. Not sure why the mother thought that would be a good place for a nest, but it's hanging in there. This little guy looks like his neck is broken...but he was wiggling around so I guess he's ok. So cute!!! :)
I had to throw in a picture of Jai. This day was mostly about Gracie and her exciting day...but this pretty much sums up what Jai did all day.

This is Gracie after the game. She was so happy and had such a great time. I'm glad she found something that she really enjoys! It was really fun for us cheering her on also!

The post game huddle!
Gracie (pitcher) running after a ball
Checking the bases..haha
Running to 3rd base...

Proud daddy! (he hates sports)

She hit it!!! :)

Opening ceremony...announcing the girls
Ready to play! :)

We had so much fun watching her! She did a great job! Love you guys!