We've had a rough week! :( On Sunday, we had to take Paul's mom to the emergency room because she was having trouble with her ammonia levels from her liver. I stayed with her at the hospital until 3 a.m and they transferred her to Chapel Hill thinking that her liver was doing badly. She had a liver transplant about 5 years ago. Thankfully, once the Chapel Hill Dr's were able to run tests on her, they determined that her liver was working properly and that her ammonia levels were up due to her not taking her meds properly! (Bad Rita!) :)
She came to our house to stay with us for a few days and I think she is finally getting back to feeling normal. We are so happy that she is ok! She gave us quite a scare and hopefully she will get back on track of taking her meds more regularly!
Yesterday, I went to her house to pick up some meds that she needed. I had left my cell phone with Paul (running errands) and we left HIS cell phone with her at our house. I hardly EVER go without my cell phone, so it was a perfect day for this to happen. I was on my way back home, driving on a 2 lane road. The car on the other side coming towards me veered far into my lane. I jerked the car (big mistake) to the right to avoid them hitting us head on...and then jerked back onto the road and I lost control of the car! It was the scariest thing I think I've ever been through, and to make it worse...Jai was with me! The car was is crash mode and I thought we were going to flip. We ran off the road to the right, hit a ditch and the front of the car came off the ground. We slid sideways for about 20 feet or so and crashed sideways against a bush. It was a very strong bush to stop my car! I immediately checked Jai and he was terrified but ok. Oh my gosh..if anything would have happened to him, I would have just died. He was on the verge of tears saying he didn't want to do that anymore. I had to get out of the passenger side since my side was rested against the bush. I got him out and checked to make sure he was ok. The car that caused all of this didn't even stop! No one did! (except for a body shop guy checking to see that we were ok and then to give me his card). I couldn't even describe the car if I wanted to other than the color. I sat with a lady that owned the property that I crashed on. I felt so bad for tearing up her yard. It has been rainy the past couple of days...so the tire tracks were all muddy and the grass was pretty torn up. I have felt terrible about it. Every time that I closed my eyes to rest yesterday...it would re-play in my head. And to make it worse, Jai keeps saying the following phrases. "I bumped my head", "that was a bad car", "i don't want to do that again", "we tore up that yard", etc. I am so thankful that he is ok, but it upsets me that he is reliving it in his head. :( I wished I wouldn't have panicked, and jerked the car so hard. Oh well, I can't go back so I'll try to cope. Our car was mostly if not all cosmetic damage. The crash was pretty hard...so I'm surprised that it didn't do more damage.
We took our car to the shop today. We went to the Enterprise to get our rental...and we got a Prius. It's really nice, except for the fact that someone has been smoking in it (ewwww!)...and it smells disgusting. I want to trade it out for another one but I'm not sure if one will be available. It's pretty crazy that it gets twice the gas mileage (50 mpg) as our Element though. Maybe one day we can afford to buy one! Anyways, onto the pictures...