*This post is going to be backwards. Blogger has changed format on me, and I didn't realize it until I uploaded all of these. :(
I feel like I could sleep for days! We had a busy holiday (I'm sure all of you did)...and it's nice to sit back afterwards and realize that nothing has to be done/bought/made...well the cleaning still needs to be done but I can handle that.
My kids got SO MUCH stuff. I don't even know where to put it all, and that is really sad. We had done a pre-cleaning out of the toys before the Holidays so that we would have room but apparently I didn't get rid of enough. I think all of the old stuff has got to go. I would have taken a picture of the current toy stash but that's just embarrassing. Haha!
We had 3 package opening events! The first was at our home of course (which you will get to last)...and the last was at our home again (unplanned), but it was done with my dad and his wife, etc.
First, I wanted to share my lovely gift that my lovely daughter and son bought me. Gracie picked it out all by herself. Nana said that she stood in the store for quite a while picking out the perfect combination of stones for my necklace. The sapphire is my birthstone. She picked the star because I love stars. She said the heart was to represent the love between us! Hahaha! Love that kiddo! Anyways, here it is. :)

Ok, here is a shot at my house yesterday, Dec. 26th. We always do my dad's event, well, at my dad's. As most of you know, it snowed quite a bit here in our area...and our tires aren't the best for driving in it. My dad lives about 45 min-1 hr away, and we were scared to make the trek. They packed up everything in their car and brought it all to us! Thank you guys! Once they got here, they told us that the roads weren't bad at all, and I felt terrible. :( It's always nice to do it at my dad's, and he always has a HUGE snow village display that the kiddos like to see. Oh well! Hopefully we will have better weather next year. Although, I'm not complaining. We loved having the snow!
My dad makes Christmas bags instead of stockings each year. He has done this since we were kids. We love it! He always paints cute things on the front of the bags and fills them with cute toys, etc. I tried to get good pictures of them but it was hard. I started saving them last year so that the kids can look back at them. They are awesome!
With all of the hustle and bustle, I didn't get to see what all the kids got. :(
I'm guessing Liam got something that was Club Penguin though..haha!
This is my stepmom Marsha (middle), her daughter Marcena (right), and her daughter Jessica (left). :)
Marcena and Jessica!
Auntie CC
My brother Jody (he had a bad headache) :(
My brother's wife Angela and my nephew Zachary
Jai...anxiously awaiting to open his presents.
My dad with his silly reindeer hat. It actually played music and moved...haha.
My Gracie
Miss Mary Catherine
All of the grandbabies with Paw Paw. Andrew wasn't in the mood for pictures...haha!
Eeek! I forgot to upload pictures of what they got! Gracie got a Paper Jamz guitar and strap, 2 drawing and painting activities, 2 velvet art crafts, and 2 nintendo dsi games. Wow!
Jai got a Wall-E computer, Toy Story 3 Junkyard Escape Stunt Set, and a Cars Interactive Book. They are set!
I received a Target gift card and an awesome calendar. Paul got a pair of vice grips and a Home Depot Gift card. We can't wait to go and pick something out!
We had a great time with everyone! I'm happy that they were still able to come and we are thankful for everything!
This was my favorite present of Gracie's. We stayed up on christmas night making these paper beads. It was so much fun! We still have to turn it into jewelry...but these are some of the beads we made. This is highly recommended for those little girls in your lives (even the big girls) . :)
Auntie Rita and Uncle Chito gave Gracie a gift card to Barnes & Nobles for Christmas. Gracie is a book worm! These were the books and bookmark that she picked out! She was so excited picking out her books. I think she took about an hour picking these out. Thankfully they had a Thomas the train set that Jai could play with while we waited.
Thanks so much guys! That was soooo nice of you!
I had pledged to only buy local or do handmade crafts this year. I totally failed! :( I'm such a procrastinator that I ran out of time...and the crafty stuff that I did buy to do...I misplaced and couldn't find. :(
But, my husband was pretty crafty! Our good friend Erik had given him a box of old license plates that he had...and Paul turned them into birdhouses. I loved that idea and he did such a great job! I'm proud of you hubby! :) Aren't they cute?!
We had a white Christmas here! This was Christmas night. It snowed more throughout the night and I forgot to take a follow up picture of the next day. We probably got around 4-5 inches. It was and is very beautiful. I love the snow! We haven't been sledding yet...I'm hoping to do that once Paul wakes up. :)
My mom's house was the 2nd event. She always goes all out for the kids and buys them TONS of stuff! This year was no exeption. Gracie's big gift was a karaoke machine. She loves to sing and perform in front of people...so this was perfect for her. Here is Mary Catherine and her performing for us. They did a great job! They broke out my mom's Michael Jackson's greatest hits CD and jammed! Haha!
Jai's Toy Story RC...
Alphie...do you guys remember him when we were little?! Love it!
handsome. <3
Paw Paw's new Snuggi
Grandma Rita got Jai a cute Buzz Lightyear and blanket among other things. He loves it!
Another Cute Birdhouse.
Liam and his Club Penguin toy.
That boy loves some Club Penguin. :)
Oh no! Another Nerf Gun!!! Well, this one was actually a Tek 6 gun...and it hurts. Watch out! It's so much stronger than a Nerf Gun. Who knew?!
Pretty MC getting some Barbie goodies.
The only shot I got of Paul and his mom. :(
Auntie CC and Uncle Jojo got Gracie the cutest little note card set. Gracie loves writing letters to people so this was great! She came right home that evening and wrote away! Thanks guys! :)
My mom made LOADS of cookies! They were so good. Speaking of, I really need to get to the gym today. :)
...and suckers.
Grandma Rita and Gracie.
Gracie loved running around in it. Jai wouldn't step off of the porch into it, so I had to snap a couple of him there. Ha!
We had a great time at my mom's. We had a huge dinner and a lot of fun playing with all of the new toys. I can't even remember everything that the kids got. They did receive lots of clothes too, which was a nice change. I got an AWESOME pillow, some cake decorating items, gloves, and coat. Paul got a table saw, which he picked out and got before Christmas. He didn't have anything to open there, but he didn't mind. Thank you guys for everything. We had a lot of fun, and the kids loved being spoiled (as usual).
Ok, this was the 1st present opening event, at our house. Are you as tired of reading this post as I am typing it out? haha..
Remember, this post is going backwards...
This is Gracie displaying her daddy's new Nerf Gun. Yes, I got him a Nerf Gun! He got some other things also...but this is his favorite. Haha...boys!
My husband got me a very pretty necklace...although I'm going to return it for something else..haha. I have a lot of necklaces, and I'm afraid it won't be worn. Is that terrible? Nah.
He also got me a cute Gap bag that I wanted. Love it! Thanks love! :)
Jai with his Thomas the Train set.
Santa brought Gracie Magic Fabric, which is what she asked him for. He's so good! I don't know how he does it! :)
Jai LOVES Iron Man.
Jai has just discovered Kaleidoscopes.
"There's so many butiful feengs in there"
Gracie asked for deities for Christmas. We did get her some but they are being shipped from India, so they didn't arrive in time. I will post them when they arrive and explain what they are. We can't wait to see them! <3
haha...couldn't be happier!
Gracie tried to wake us up at 1am to see if Santa came. Ummm...no. Go back to bed!
So, we ended up waking at 6:30! Jai could hardly keep his eyes open. Usually, he can sleep until around 10 or so.
Christmas Eve! I wanted to make sure I got some last shots of the tree and displays. I was up alone and missing my husband who was sleeping soundly with the kiddos. He was awake for about 22 hours before he crashed around 7pm.
Jai's stocking.
Gracie's stocking.
Shelf elves. Aren't they adorable?!
The owl ornament Gracie made. Her poor little foot is missing. :(
Snowman ornament that my stepdad made.
We bought these for the kiddos this year. They didn't have a "Jai" of course...so I had to turn "Al" into Jai. Haha!
Cookies for Santa.
Putting out the reindeer food!
I hope you all had a very nice Christmas. We are very blessed to have so many kind people in our lives. There was a lot of family that we didn't get to see...but I hope that they are all well and that we will be able to visit them soon! We love you all! :)